CIPS Training

CIPS Training in London


The world of procurement and supply management is a rapidly changing industry. To keep up with the growing demand for qualified professionals, more institutions are offering CIPS-accredited training programs. These programs not only help professionals gain the skills they need to excel in their current position but also assist them in setting themselves apart from their competition when applying for a new job.

CIPS training enhances your career, professional capability, and organisation. And it protects the public from procurement and supply processes that aren’t up to scratch. But what is CIPS training?

CIPS Registered Training Program

A CIPS registered training program is a program that has been approved by the CIPS. This means the program has met the organization’s standards for quality and is a legitimate way to receive certification. Telso provides quality CIPS accredited training to help learners keep up with a competitive and ever-changing work environment. Telso provides qualifications and short courses in CIPS, procurement, supply management, and soft skills in London and the UK. These courses mean you gain more skills to keep up with the modern working world and respond to your customers’ changing needs.

What Does CIPS Accredited Training Include?

CIPS accredited training is a certification program for individuals who wish to pursue a procurement and supply management career. These programs provide individuals with a comprehensive overview of the industry and the skills they need to excel in the field. Most training programs include a combination of online courses and on-site labs. Lessons teach individuals about purchasing, supply chain management, and procurement. Labs provide hands-on experience, allowing students to apply the concepts they’ve learned and gain valuable work experience.

When choosing the best training program for you, it’s essential to understand what is included in each one. Most CIPS accredited training programs last between two and three years and offer a wide range of topics. These may include:

Supply Chain Management 

This covers all aspects of the supply chain and helps students understand how to manage each stage, from procurement to delivery and even returns.

Procurement Management

This course explores the various methods of procurement and how to best use them.

Project Management 

This course helps students master the essential skills to lead and manage a project.

Sourcing And Purchasing 

This is a comprehensive course that touches on all areas of sourcing and purchasing, including how to source efficiently and ethically, use various tools and manage supplier relationships.

Business Management 

This course helps students understand key business concepts and how they apply to procurement and supply management.

Human Resources 

This course covers everything from the recruitment process to employee relations and termination.

The Benefit of CIPS Accredited Programs

When it comes to the benefits of CIPS-accredited programs, there are many. Here are a few of the top ones.

  • Greater Job Security

An increasing number of businesses require potential employees to have procurement and supply management experience. When looking for qualified candidates, hiring managers are looking for individuals certified by a reputable institution. CIPS-accredited programs provide students with the skills they need to excel in the industry, setting them apart from their competition.

  • Higher Earning Potential

Investing time and money in a procurement and supply management training program pays off. Procurement managers earn an average annual salary of £56,000, while supply chain directors make around £96,000. Those who hold CIPS certification can expect even higher wages.

  • Easier Certification Process

Many certification programs require individuals to complete a certain number of classroom hours and pass an examination. CIPS-accredited programs help students meet the requirements of these certification exams by providing a comprehensive curriculum. This allows students to focus on their studies and not worry about if they’re covering the necessary information.

Are There Any Cons to A CIPS Training Program?

There are several potential drawbacks to CIPS accredited training programs, including the following:

  • Time Commitment

Most CIPS accredited training programs take two to three years to complete. This may require students to take time off from their current job and may not be an option if they are already overworked.

  • Commitment To Your Industry

A CIPS accredited training program is a significant commitment to the industry. It may be difficult to transition to another field if you ever decide to leave procurement or supply management.

  • Financial Commitment

Most CIPS accredited training programs require students to pay a fee, although some are sponsored by organizations or even the government.

Quality CIPS Training

Telso is a Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) accredited training provider striving to offer only the best options for those looking to enter the world of procurement and supply. So, if you’re looking for CIPS London, Telso could be the learning provider for you. There’s the option to digest these courses in several ways. With face-to-face, virtual, self-paced, mobile, and micro-learning options, Telso provides CIPS training that can fit every individual.

With a comprehensive understanding of supply and procurement markets, Telso is an excellent option for organisations in both the public and private sectors. They provide quality procurement knowledge with respect for all who work with them. For more information, visit their website and contact them today.

With offices in London, their priority is to create a collaborative learning culture that facilitates social interaction. Delivering video content and social learning through interactions and forums that makes procurement, supply management and soft skills interesting, relevant and entertaining.

To find out more about some of the best-in-class procurement qualifications and supply management learning, plus CISP qualification courses, call Telso today on 020 4538 0222 or contact them via their website, so that they can understand how best to help you meet your goals.

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