VAT Return Online

The Ultimate Guide to Submitting Your VAT Return Online


Are you tired of the hassle and stress that comes with submitting your VAT return? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will take you through everything you need to know about submitting your VAT return online. From understanding the basics of VAT to navigating HMRC’s online portal, our comprehensive guide is designed to make the process as easy and seamless as possible. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a stress-free submission process!

Introduction to VAT Returns

The process of submitting a VAT Return can be daunting for first-time filers. However, by following a few simple steps, you can complete your return with ease.

To start, you will need to gather all of the necessary documentation. This includes invoices for any sales made, receipts for any purchases made, and bank statements showing any payments made to or from HMRC. Once you have all of the required documentation, you can begin filling out your VAT Return form.

The first section of the form will ask for your basic contact information, as well as your VAT registration number. Next, you will need to enter the total value of all sales made during the period covered by the return. Finally, you will calculate the amount of VAT due and enter this amount on the form. Once all of the required information has been entered, you can submit your VAT Return online.

Understanding the Requirements for Submitting a VAT Return

Every business registered for VAT with HMRC must submit a VAT Return. This is a document detailing the total value of sales and purchases made by the business during a set period, usually one quarter. The return must be submitted online using HMRC’s VAT Online Service.

To submit a return, businesses will need to have their VAT registration number, login details for the VAT Online Service, and the figures for their sales and purchases. These can be found on invoices and other financial records. Once the return is complete, businesses will need to pay any VAT owed to HMRC.

If you’re submitting your first VAT Return, or if you’re not sure about any of the requirements, HMRC has published guidance on its website. This includes information on what you’ll need to do before you can submit your return online, as well as detailed instructions on how to fill in the form.

Benefits of Submitting a VAT Return Online

When it comes to filing your VAT return, going online is the best way to do it. Here are some of the benefits of submitting your VAT return online:

1. It’s faster and easier – You can file your VAT return in just a few minutes when you do it online. This is a lot faster and easier than having to send in paper forms.

2. You’ll get your refund sooner – If you’re owed a refund, you’ll get it much sooner if you file online. This is because the whole process is quicker when done electronically.

3. You can track your submission – When you submit your VAT return online, you can track its progress so you always know where it is in the system. This way, there are no surprises and you can plan accordingly.

4. It’s more secure – When you submit your VAT return online, it’s sent through a secure connection that helps to protect your personal and financial information.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Submit a VAT Return Online

1. Sign into your HMRC Online Services account. If you don’t have one, you can register for an account here.

2. Once signed in, select ‘Submit a VAT Return’ from the main menu.

3. You will then be taken to the VAT Returns page where you will need to select the return period you wish to submit. The return periods are displayed in month/year format and you will need to select the relevant link for the return period you wish to submit. For example, if you wish to submit a return for the month of January 2020, you would need to select the link labelled ‘January 2020’.

4. After selecting the relevant return period, you will be taken to the ‘VAT Return Summary’ page where you will need to enter your VAT liability information for that period. The information required includes:

+ The total value of all sales and outputs for the period (excluding VAT) – this should be entered in box 1 of the form

+ The total value of all purchases and inputs for the period (excluding VAT) – this should be entered in box 6 of the form

+ The total amount of VAT payable for the period – this should be entered in box 2 of the form

+ The total amount of VAT reclaimable for the period – this should be entered in box 7 of the form

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Filing Your VAT Returns Online

There are a few common mistakes that tax payers make when filing their VAT returns online. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

– Not keeping accurate records: It is important to keep accurate records of all your transactions in order to correctly file your VAT return. This includes recording both the date and value of each transaction, as well as the VAT rate that applies.

– Incorrectly calculating the VAT amount: Be sure to correctly calculate the VAT amount due on each transaction. This includes taking into account any special rates or exemptions that may apply.

– Failing to file a return: You must file a VAT return even if you have no tax to pay or if you are due a refund. Failure to file a return can result in late payment penalties and interest charges.

– Not paying on time: Be sure to pay any tax owed by the due date. Late payments will incur interest and may also result in late payment penalties.


Submitting your VAT return online doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide you can easily complete the process with minimum effort and get back to focusing on what matters most for running your business. We hope this ultimate guide has given you all the information you need to make submitting your next VAT return an easy and hassle-free process!

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